Manufacturing companies
Manufacturing companies
Resilience in manufacturing companies has many faces. From the procurement of resources to the placement of products on the market, different aspects have to be considered, e.g. the resilience of purchasing, of company networks due to supply chains or transport routes to the sales markets, of regional and/or sectoral dependency on certain customer groups in both B2B and B2C arenas. Both your location and your processes have specific potentials or restrictions for resilience. I support you in the resilience-oriented assessment of sites, determine the specific potentials and restrictions together with you and formulate goals and measures for the organization of your production processes. Should you develop a new site, I would be happy to advise you, because the availability of building land is a poor advisor when selecting a location! When choosing the location, many decisions about corporate development are often unconsciously made, which I would be happy to bring to the surface with you. This means that these aspects can be consciously incorporated into your decisions in order to achieve your company goals as best as possible.